Monday, December 30, 2013

Monday, December 30, 2013


Late Friday afternoon, A&E announced that it would resume filming its hit reality show Duck Dynasty with the family patriarch Phil Robertson back on the set. A&E's decision came five days after Cracker Barrel quickly reversed itself after facing an avalanche of customer complaints when it pulled Duck Dynasty merchandise off its shelves. 

In a statement released to Fox News the Robertson family said, "We will continue to represent our faith and values in the most positive way through 'Duck Dynasty' and our many projects that we are currently working on.  The outpouring of support and prayer has encouraged and emboldened us greatly."

This is a big victory, my friends. It shows what can still be done when men and women of faith speak up and make our voices heard! 

But make no mistake about it -- this is just one battle and the war continues to rage. The intolerant homosexual rights movement and the secular left are not about to give up. And we won't either!

Your support is the only thing that keeps me in this battle. With just two days left to meet our year-end fundraising goal, please step up to the plate today so we can continue to fight the good fight for faith, family and freedom! 

Jihad In Russia 

Islamofascism's war against Western Civilization is alive and well.

Suicide bombers have struck the Russian city of Volgograd twice in the past two days, killing more than 30 people and wounding scores more. These attacks have gotten most of the headlines, but jihadist violence is on the rise in Russia.

Three days ago, a car bomb exploded in Pyatigorsk, killing three. In October, a female homicide bomber killed five people in a bus bombing, also in Volgograd. 

Many security experts fear this is just the beginning. The Sochi Winter Olympics are set to begin in a matter of weeks, and radical Islamists have made no secret of their intentions to strike. One jihadist leader compared the Sochi Olympic games to "Satanic dancing on the bones of our ancestors."  

Bruce Hoffman, director of Georgetown University's Center for Security Studies, warned, "Although fear of terrorist attack has been a staple of Olympics security for the past four decades, the back-to-back blasts yesterday and today, coupled with another attack in the same city in October, are likely intended to be the opening salvos in a sustained terrorist campaign." 

Benghazi According To The New York Times 

The New York Times is taking heat today for some revisionist history on the Benghazi attacks. Four Americans, including our ambassador to Libya, died when the U.S. consulate in Benghazi came under siege on the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks and the Obama Administration abandoned them. 

In a massive 7,000-word report, the Times declared that there is "no evidence that Al Qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault," which the paper asserted, "was fueled in large part by anger at an American-made video denigrating Islam." 

This latest Times rewrite on Benghazi contradicts its prior reporting, and even the Obama Administration's belated admissions. Fox News reports that "sources who were on the ground that night" are blasting the New York Times' essay as "completely false." 

Benghazi is a huge stain on the credibility of the Obama Administration, including the credibility of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. With speculation about 2016 growing every day, perhaps that is why the Times felt the urgent need to attempt to expunge the record. 

By trying to resurrect the "blame the video" lie, perhaps the lefties at the New York Times thought they were doing Hillary Clinton a favor. Instead, they have only stirred up a hornet's nest. Congressional Republicans pushed back yesterday on the Sunday talk shows. Even one California Democrat conceded, "…the intelligence indicates that al-Qaeda was involved." 

But if the New York Times wants to have this fight, bring it on. Let's empower a select committee to issue subpoenas and hold public hearings. No more stonewalling. Let's hear from the CIA and State Department witnesses who have been bullied into silence. Let's finally get the answers that the families of Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty deserve.